188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址计数! Make Your Voice Heard on Capitol Hill.

The 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 political action committee gives you a stronger voice in Washington. The PAC is the most effective tool to give you the opportunity to express your concerns and ideas. Your contribution assists the profession in keeping like-minded individuals who understand our issues in our nation’s capital. That’s why your voluntary donations to this bipartisan, legal committee matter so much.

Member contributions to the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 PAC are welcome at any time and can be made online by clicking the link below.


什么是188bet亚洲真人体育下载 PAC?

The 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 PAC is the profession’s political action committee.  The PAC was established in 1977 to raise funds and provide financial assistance to candidates for federal office who actively support the CPA profession.  Every cent you personally contribute to the PAC goes directly to help elect pro-business candidates to public office.

How Can I 帮助 Shape the Legislative Agenda?

It is vital that CPAs be involved in the political process and make their voices heard.  Each of us can support candidates who share similar views on business issues.  Individual contributions to a candidate can only do so much, but there is a way to increase the impact of your contribution.  You can join forces with your colleagues, the thousands of CPAs who share your interests, to maximize the opportunities to elect candidates who understand our profession and support our legislative goals.

我的贡献 真的 有所作为?

绝对!  Your contribution to the profession’s political action committee directly benefits you.  The profession has one way to ensure that what is being legislated in Washington is productive to your business interests – 通过被倾听!  Thousands of other interests are being represented in our nation’s capital.  Your contribution to the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 PAC sends a strong positive message to legislators.

What would happen if you and your colleagues were not politically active?  The passage of just one bill in the U.S. Congress can have a major impact on the future of the profession.  例如, what if securities litigation reform legislation or the taxpayer confidentiality privilege had never been passed?  Every day legislators are addressing issues affecting our profession.  That is why participation in the election process through the 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 PAC is so important.

Your contribution demonstrates that CPAs are politically aware and actively involved in the issues affecting this country.


是的,你有自己的声音!  You are the eyes and ears of the profession.  Your insights and viewpoints are essential in determining which candidates receive PAC contributions.  A committee of your peers approves all contributions.  你和你的同事, who have personal close relationships with legislators, distribute the contributions so that candidates are reminded of both your support and that of the profession.